Finals analysis: the dreaded finals are here. Get great grades without pushing your brain into overload mode
Frazzled and spazzed over the mere mention of finals? Don't be! With our study secrets, you'll breeze right on through....
May I have your attention?
You might think U.S. history is the most boring subject in this hemisphere, but you need to absorb those facts if you're gonna pass the class. You think snoozing through one little review session won't make a bit of difference? Wrong!
Missing your teacher's Freedom of Speech, urn, speech could make or break your GPA, so pay attention. Cliche, we know. But listen to the info your teacher spits out, and be diligent about taking good notes. Sometimes, just the act of jotting stuff down is like etching it onto your brain with a Sharpie.
Study with a buddy
Partnering up with a pal and quizzing each other is a great way to memorize the material you need to know for finals. But if you're thinking of organizing a study group with your girls, reconsider. The group effort might seem like a good idea in theory, but things could backfire.
Having more than a single pal to brain-bounce with can result in less than stellar grades. Why? Because it's tough getting every gal in the crew to stay on the serious-minded track--your study sesh is likely to morph into more of a full-on fun-fest. Stick to one smart-o, study-conscious bud. If you and the study buddy get bored or book-bogged, take a brief break ... but then get right back to business.
One of the biggest mistakes even the most conscientious students make is studying chapter after chapter of information in one sitting. It is better to spread out your study time so you don't go into information overload. This means you should start studying for finals one to two weeks prior. Spend a little time each night going over your material. Also, make sure the area you are studying in is relatively quiet and free of distractions--TV off, please! You'll do better if you park yourself at a secluded spot in your home or at a cubicle in the library.
'Twas the night before ...
Testing, one, two, three ... There are three (count 'em) night-before-finals elements that are essential to your success: 1) Scan your notes to recharge the ol' memory bank. Since you strategically spaced out your study time, you should have no need to do any heavy cramming on Finals Eve. 2) Stay calm. If you get yourself totally stressed out, you are much more likely to make mindless mistakes, like marking the wrong box of a multiple-choice answer. Destress ahead of time by doing something that relaxes you, like a little yoga or an aromatherapy bath. 3) Get to bed early. You should be able to drift off dreamily after that steamy bubble bath. You will wake with a clear and alert brain if you get a good night's worth of Z's--which should translate into A's.
This is just a test
Ready for the Big Day? Remember, finals are very important, but it's not the end of the world ... so think positive. And be prepared! Don't show up for your algebra exam without a No. 2 on you. Also, this is not the time to worry about being best-dressed, so wear comfy clothes. Too-tight clothing can divert your attention away from the test, especially since you'll probably be sitting for a long period of time.
One more crucial piece of advice--it is a must to eat a good breakfast. Set your alarm to give you plenty of time to chow down a decent meal. Research has proven that students who eat before a test score best. Besides, you don't want to sit through a two-hour exam with a growling stomach. Now, are you ready to tackle that test? No sweat!