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Friday, April 06, 2007

How To Find The Perfect Scent

There are so many different perfumes on the market, that it is no wonder we often have a difficult time finding the perfect one. If you have ever been on a “smelling spree” at a local department store, you probably learned that sniffing more than three different perfumes at one time can lead to a headache the size of Manhattan!

Consequently, finding the perfect scent means putting aside an afternoon just for the occasion. It should be the one and only goal for the shopping trip. With that in mind, do not wear your usual perfume on the day you are planning to find a new scent. Wearing another perfume will only interfere with your sense of smell, and ultimately your decision.

When you arrive at the perfume counter of your choice, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Also, you should approach the counter with some idea of what you like and what you dislike. For instance, you should know your preference for either citrus, musk, patchouli, or floral scents. Communicating your likes and dislikes will help the salesperson narrow down your choices.

As you begin testing scents, you will need to take a break after three or four scents. The salesperson should offer you some coffee beans to sniff (they neutralize the effects of the perfumes), but if this isn’t an option, walk a way for about five minutes and then come back to the counter.

As you begin to find fragrances you like, you will be able to narrow down your choices to two or three. You should spray each perfume on to a different part of your body. Your pulse points are the perfect spots. Let each scent work with your own natural oils for about twenty minutes. Then you will be able to make the perfect choice.

Below are some tips and hints to help you after you’ve found your perfect scent:

• Fragrance, like heat, rises. Apply your fragrance from the bottom up.

• A great way to make your fragrance last is to spray it in your hair.

• Fragrance lingers longer in the summer months.

• If you accidentally spray too much perfume, apply some soap to the spot.

• To extend the length of your scent, layer it with its lotion, soap, and bath gel counterparts.

• Fragrances last longer in cool, dark places.

• An opened, well stored fragrance should retain its true fragrance for up to two years.

• An unopened, well stored fragrance can last up to eight years.

• Save perfumes that you have not completely finished. To change your scent try layering the old scent with the new.

• If you’d like to visit a fragrance counter that has salespeople who have been certified by the Fragrance Foundation, try Nordstrom’s. They have a great one in the Dallas Galleria.

Original versus Replica of a Gucci Handbag

Are you interested in buying a replica of a Gucci handbag? If so, you are not alone. But if you want to buy an original as opposed to a replica there are many things that you must consider. The fact of the matter is that Gucci handbags are among the best in the industry.

If you want to buy an original you are probably doing so for the top notch styling, elegance, and of course the quality. If you get duped into buying a replica of a Gucci handbag you will not be getting any of this. Instead, you will be buying a knock off that does not have nearly as many benefits. You should learn as much as you can on how to avoid buying a replica of a Gucci handbag as opposed to an original.

The first thing that you should look for when buying a Gucci handbag is the details. When you buy an original you will be able to see all the finer details that have become synonymous with the Gucci name. But on the other side of things, a replica of a Gucci handbag is not going to have nearly as many details. You will notice that there are loose ends, and that it is not put together as well.

Additionally, replicas of Gucci handbags do not carry the initials on all of the zips; this is something that all the originals have. Also, on the inside of the originals you will be able to find information on how the bag was made, as well as the location in which it was manufactured. Again, if you cannot find this information it is safe to say that you are looking at a replica of a Gucci handbag.

All in all, quality and durability are much better when you buy an original Gucci bag. The fact of the matter is that it can be tough to determine an original from a replica of a Gucci handbag. But if you follow the tips above you should be well on your way to getting what you are after. Just make sure that you take your time during the buying process, and you should not run into any problems.

Who Said Big Handbags Have to Be Boring?

Lets face it, women love their handbags. Many men around the world will always be confused by this, they seem to have the ability to store everything they need in their inside pocket. Well, women have a lot more essential items than men, we have lipstick, mascara, perfume, purse, mobile phone, glossy magazines and the like. Handbags also have the ability to change the look of a whole outfit, bags come in all shapes and sizes, styles, materials and of course brands. If you are looking for a large yet trendy bag, you may want to have a look at these companies:-

Chloe - Chloe has been around for a long time (since 1952) and has this canny ability to produce ranges of handbags which have women drooling - including celebs. A lot of handbags on the market just aren't practical - they can barely hold a single lipstick never mind all our other essential accessories. This is probably why the Chloe Paddington bags are often seen on the arm of a celebrity in the glossy mags.

Kate Spade - When Kate left college in 1986 she joined mademoiselle magazine and left in 1991 as senior fashion editor/head of accessories. Frustrated by the lack of fashionable yet practical bags she set out design her own. Since launching her range of "Kate Spade Handbags" in 1996 she has won many awards for her designs.

If you felt before a bit of a frump for carrying around a large handbag then you really needn't. Ditch your old bag and get a new one. There are a lot of styles which are very popular, even if you don't go for a designer brand. Search the internet for hobo, satchels, shoulder bags, totes, plus you can even get the most amazing array of diaper bag for fashionable mums.

Pajama Personality Quiz to Find the Perfect Pajamas for You!

Every woman is unique and different with changing moods and things happening in our lives that make us one person one day and a completely different person the next day. Pajamas are a reflection of the person we are inside. To help you determine the perfect style of pajamas for your personality and mood, we’ve scoured the experts on womens’ pajamas and put together this 7 question quiz. Pajamas today come in so many unique and fun varieties that every woman can find pajamas that match her personality and mood. Find your perfect pajamas now!

If you were stranded alone on a deserted island, which would you prefer most?

1. A good book
2. Pictures of your friends and family
3. A hot man
4. A steady source of food and water

Finish this sentence: “At night, right before dropping into bed, I like to____”

1. Prepare a to-do list for tomorrow
2. Tap my honey on the shoulder for some, you know
3. Relive a special moment of the day in my mind
4. Apply lotion to my arms and legs and face and remain perfectly still under the covers so none of it rubs off

When you eat an ice cream cone, do you ___

1. Dive right in and bite a chunk off the top
2. Savor every lick
3. Make sure to eat around the edges first so none of it drips
4. Never eat ice cream – too many calories

Your favorite type of movie is:

1. Fast-paced thrillers
2. Steamy love stories
3. Comedies
4. Never have time to go to the movies

Your favorite activity to do while wearing pajamas is:

1. Reading
2. Cuddling with children and significant other
3. Painting toenails while listening to music
4. Cleaning the house

The first thing you do in the morning is:

1. Watch the news
2. Linger over a cup of coffee as long as possible
3. Make the beds and get the kids dressed
4. Throw a new load of laundry in

You feel most content when:

1. You have accomplished most everything on your to-do list that day
2. You are able to push off tasks till tomorrow
3. Your family and friends are all happy and healthy
4. The house is clean, the doors are locked and things are ready for tomorrow

How to determine your perfect style of pajamas: Add up all you’re 1. answers, 2. answers and so forth.

Mostly 1. answers: you are most suited for pajamas that match your practical, get everything done personality. But, even though you have a lot to do, you deserve to pamper yourself and wear luxurious pajamas. Try chenille robes and all cotton or silk pajama sets.

Mostly 2. answers: you prefer dreamy pajamas that allow you to dream about the most important aspects of your life: children, friends and lovers. You should choose sexy lingerie and cute tank tops with fun sayings for your nightwear.

Mostly 3. answers: you are a person with many moods and your personality requires a selection of pajamas to fit your changing emotions. You should keep on hand 3 types of pajamas: a classic nightgown for nights that you feel elegant; a luxurious robe and slippers for nights you feel pouty and need pampering; and a flattering negligee for nights you feel sexy.

Mostly 4. answers: you need to chill out and relax. Take a moment out for yourself and you will feel rejuvenated and ultimately better. Try a set of roomy pajama pants and oversized shirt that are just for you and no one else. Treat yourself to a manicure and a moment with your favorite music to get back in touch with yourself.

Buying Designer and Authentic Goods Online

Buying luxury and premium designer items online is like shopping in the dark. It has truly become a very frightening experience. The internet has made it possible to find excellent deals on items that were previously too expensive and unattainable for the average consumer.

Due to the amazing success of eBay and Mom and Pop shops online, prices for premium and designer goods has dropped drastically. But like anything that sounds too good to be true, the same rule applies when it comes to finding “rock-bottom” deals online. Quite often, there is a very high price to pay for obtaining amazing deals, on otherwise out of reach merchandise.

Often times, the price reflects the quality……..in other words, it’s a FAKE!

EBay – The Worlds Largest Marketplace has had to take considerable steps to try and counter the ever growing fake trade market. In fact, some of the counterfeiters have become so good at creating copies that some of the original manufacturers have a hard time distinguishing fakes from real.

There are a few eBay sellers and “corporate police” that have decided to take this growing trend into their own hands. As of December 2006, eBay began a massive effort on targeting and ridding themselves of sellers that were pushing down the value of these premium brands. Another site, Reddmark.com, which was inspired to counteract this trend, also has taken great lengths to ensure that their customers are able to shop without fear of purchasing illegal merchandise.

While eliminating counterfeit merchandise is probably impossible to do, there are ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim. The first thing is obviously to avoid those “too good to be prices”. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck……it’s a duck. Don’t get sucked into believing that you can get something for nothing, because in the end, you WILL end up with a fake.

Diane Drew has successfully helped 1,000's of people avoid purchasing fakes, and getting ripped off online.

In 2006, she took the reigns of an upstart Luxury Auction site dedicated to making it safe to purchase Authentic Designer Merchandise, Luxury Items, and Premium Electronics online without fearing what you would receive.

They Say Dress Styles to Women, Are Like Sports To Men - Huh!

Well it is a sensible saying, there are many different dress styles out there and there are also many different types of sports out there. Women all go crazy for their dresses and we all know how crazy men get about sports, women also enjoy browsing or window shopping and seeing all the types of new dress styles probably as much as men enjoy watching sports games, so you see there is really is a connection between the two.

Women absolutely love getting a new outfit I mean they just love it, almost as much as men love to watch a live football game or a basketball game. Another thing, have you ever seen the inside of a woman’s closet? Did you ever notice how many dresses that she’s got inside of there? She’s got so many I bet she doesn’t even wear half of them. They probably have as many dresses to be equivalent to the number of sports games that a man has seen.

When a woman sees a new dress style on the television, in the mall or even on someone who is wearing it, they get excited and talk about how much they love it, well it’s the exact same for men when they are watching a sports game on the television or in real life and one of the athletes makes an awesome or unbelievable play, they would probably continue to talk about it for the rest of the day or if it’s really good they might even go on about it for the rest of the week. I’m sure that you can relate to what I’m saying. Women talk about the designers and the fabric and the cut of the dresses and who they would look good on in the same way that men talk about the players and the passes and the sports games they watch.

And have you ever noticed how much women and young girls talk about how they would like to be fashion models so they can get to wear all those dresses and other clothes, it is the same with men and young boys they are always talking about how much they would like to be a footballer, basketball player or some type of athlete. I’m sure by now you have realized some of these things on your own and if you haven’t I’m sure after reading this it now actually clicks and you see the big comparison between the two topics by now.

Monday, April 02, 2007

When is the Best Time to Shop For Swimwear

Anyone can tell you that traditional stores have swimwear sales at the end of the summer season. Some even have early season sales to spark interest in seasonal swimsuit shopping. But in both cases, stock could be limited. Early season sales usually highlight swim wear fashions left from last year. Late season sales offer only what hasn’t sold.

So… when is the best time to shop for swim wear, cruise wear, resort wear and other summer fashions?

For internet-savvy shoppers, the answer is crystal clear. Anytime. 24/7. Seven days a week. 52 weeks a year.

On-line swimwear merchants have stock all year long. They don’t require costly and limited display space – other than the virtual real-estate on their website.

On-line swim wear merchant’s prices are VERY competitive because they don’t have that expensive store space to charge you for. In most cases, they don’t have a huge advertising budget either – another item that they don’t charge you, the consumer for.

On-line swim suit merchants offer sales all year long to generate interest in visiting and re-visiting their sites. And in many cases, these merchants offer sale pricing on even the newest fashions that they carry.

Many consumers consider themselves shop-til-you-drop type shoppers. However, even these shoppers are subject to needing to be in the right mood to buy. That mood could come at a time when the ‘brick and mortar’ merchants are closed. On-line shoppers can take advantage of the mood whenever it presents itself.

Weather and distance are not an issue for on-line swimwear shoppers. No matter how far you might be from the nearest shopping mall or city commercial area. No matter how nasty the weather (Right now, the highways are closed where we live because of severe winter weather). You can go on-line and check out the latest swim wear fashions. You can even do on-line shoppimg from the middle of the desert if you have an internet connection.

So… when is the best time to shop for swim wear, cruise wear, resort wear and other summer fashions?

RIGHT NOW! Don’t miss out on the sales going on right now.

Three Shoe Essentials For Any Woman

When it comes to creating an outfit for a social event, accessories are even more important than the clothes themselves. Necklaces, earrings, handbags and shoes, each play an important part in giving any outfit that finished and polished look we demand. From all those accessories, shoes may not be the ones you see most, but they do have the most impact on your overall comfort throughout the event. After all, if your feet are not happy, you probably won't be.

Any woman's closet should have a few essential pairs of shoes. These shoes can go with any of your outfits and make them look just a little better, and will save you from having to buy countless pairs to go with countless dresses. One shoe you can never do without is a pair of simple, black pumps. It serves much as the black cocktail dress would, and is suitable for any occasion. Be it a quiet dinner in a restaurant or a night dancing the salsa, black pumps will suit your needs. No matter what the color of your outfit is, black will never clash with it, and since pumps will never go out of fashion you will be set for years to come.

When it comes to comfort, a lot of women tend to wear sneakers. There is no disputing that sneakers will keep your feet from getting sore, but it doesn't help you look fashionable. Instead, a pair of clogs will function just as well as sneakers. You can wear them for a day in the mall or simply a trip to the beach, and can even take them jogging if you want to. It won't be as comfortable as sneakers of course, so if you jog regularly you might want to invest in sneakers after all. If you don't, with a single pair of clogs you save yourself from having to buy sandals, sneakers and slippers. Talk about a good deal!

Last but not least is a good pair of boots. For winter and summer, boots are a perfect blend of comfort and fashion. They don't go very well under a cocktail dress, but gives that little extra something to a skirt and blouse, or pants depending on your choice. Black is recommended, but brown serves just as well and looks a little warmer. With these three types of shoes in your closet, you can never go wrong no matter what you wear.

Transition Sunglasses: Long-Term Protection for Your Eyes

The hole in the ozone layer is growing bigger. Melting polar ice caps aside, it's getting hotter and brighter all around. A person becomes hard pressed to protect oneself and one's family from the harmful effects of the oppressive sun. Our entire bodies are vulnerable, but no body part is more vulnerable to high temperatures and direct contact with sunlight as our eyes. There are a couple of great ways to protect your eyes, such as eyedrops, visors, and of course - transition sunglasses.

Sunglasses are a staple wardrobe in sunny weather, of course, but why transition sunglasses especially? What are the additional benefits that places them a cut above other kinds of shades? Are they, in fact, better than other types of sunglasses? Actually, they are just one kind of sunglasses, with a twist - you can use them indoors and outdoors without sacrificing much of your clarity of vision.

You must have heard the song, or at least the phrase, "I wear my sunglasses at night." In spite of the kitsch, this phrase may well have a grain of truth in it. You can, in fact, wear sunglasses at night if they happen to be transition. The term "transition" refers to the specially crafted lenses that diffuse light. This quality of the lenses allows them to regulate and equalize the amount of light that reaches your eyes, making sure your eyes aren't strained by the glare of the lighting, in case you are outdoors or in a very well-lit indoor environment. Regarding nighttime or dimly-lit rooms, however, these special lenses do not exactly equalize the light in the room. Rather, it tones down its anti-glare properties, and enables you to see better than if you were using regular dark-tinted shades.

Sounds like magic, doesn't it? For the kind of glare protection allowed by shades like these, they are well worth the price you pay. Indeed, transition sunglasses tend to be slightly more expensive than regular shades. But unlike other kinds of sunglasses, they can be used in a wider variety of situations and settings. And if they happen to come with wraparound frames that fit snugly on your face and physically keep your eyes safe from direct exposure to irritant lighting. This problem with the ozone layer may continue to affect us for a long time, worsening with each year, if nothing is done about it. In the meantime, it is best to be conscious about your surroundings and your health.

Layered Hair Styles - For a More Sophisticated Look!

Layered hair styles are versatile, trendy, and sophisticated. Whether you have long or short hair, bobs or shoulder tresses, layers can work for a vast majority of people and on many hairstyles. The reason for its versatility is based on the fact that layers can be customized to mesh well with a person’s hairstyle and shape of face.

Apart from its versatility, layers have many other advantages. For instance, adding layers can modernize an old style without too drastic of a change, and layers can be both flirty and elegant, making them appropriate for any age. What’s more is that different layers can add natural volume to hair your hair without the use of chemicals and layers can also help hair that is damaged by split ends since layering requires cutting these split and broken ends off. This gives hair a more polished appearance. Creating layers can lighten very thick, heavy hair, allowing its natural waves to appear in medium and long styles and layering can be of particular advantage for those who suffer from migraine headaches since layering can give some relief with the lighter styles it creates.

But while layered hair can work well with most types of hair and hairstyles, there are some drawbacks that you may want to evaluate before layering your hair. Firstly, very curly hair does not layer well, because the shorter layers tend to curl too much and this disrupts the layered look creating a scruffy appearance. Secondly, folks who like to change their styles frequently may not want to have their hair layered as it can take quite a while to grow out them out, depending on how fast your hair grows and how short your layers are.

The best way to grow out layers is to keep the bottom layer at an unchanging length, allowing the upper layers time to catch up with it. But it can get very boring and tedious and many people get frustrated by the wait and work. Also, if layers are done in such a way as to enhance the shape of your face it can make your features stand out too starkly. And while layers can be cut in many different lengths, the best range for layers is to keep them below the earlobe on long hair and below the eye on short hair, otherwise they may look out of control.

Overall, layered hair works for most people. It adds shape, volume, texture and structure to hair, but as with any hairstyle, it’s probably wiser if you sought some professional assistance before deciding to layer your hair.

The Art Of Wearing A Mini Dress To Catch His Eyes!

Trying to get the attention of that one special guy you have been dreaming of can be exciting, but it might not be as easy as it sounds, first of all you have to choose just the right dress that will enhance your beauty and figure and make every man take notice when you walk into a room. When choosing a color consider red, because men associate this color to sex and being sexy is what it’s all about. If you do not particularly like red then try another bold color, because bold colors tend to make a statement, much stronger than pale color. You may probably want to choose a little black mini dress, these are very sexy and popular.

Be sure that the dress is fitting so it will show off all those lovely curves and also it should be short enough to show off those legs, especially if they are long and elegant. Some men just love women legs so this would surely make an impression and make him notice. Be sure to sit with your legs stretched out in front of you and crossed at the ankle, but make sure that your knees are placed together, because you don’t want to show off the wrong body parts, and always sit in an upright position do not sit fully back on the chair as this posture tends to set the knees apart.

You should look comfortable in the dress as though you have been wearing dresses like that all your life, in other words you wear the dress, don’t let the dress wear you. This is why it is important to choose a dress that truly makes you feel comfortable, you don’t want to be seen pulling at those spaghetti straps all the time, or fiddling with the hem of the dress, you want to feel at ease, make the dress and you one.

Above all walk with a sense of being relaxed and comfortable in the dress, this will give you a graceful and elegant effect, which men just love, keep your feet slightly in front of each other which will help you coordinate you balance. It is also important to smile and look friendly, say hello to people even if you don’t know them and smile at their comments, because no matter how sexy the dress is, if you sit there all night not socializing with the crowd he might get the impression that you are not very approachable, so go ahead have a good time, be happy in your nice dress and sooner or later he will notice and eventually try to strike up a conversation with you.